I'm 40. It's time to give up booze. I don't think I’m an alcoholic but I know that I drink too much when I’m stressed. I have had a drink on every night of every day for as long as I can remember. It got to the point where a bottle of wine wasn't enough in a night and to me it has become something that bothers me. So, as of Sunday 5th august (my first day back from holiday) I have quit the terrible booze. This is a blog of my experience. Booze Away!

Monday, May 5, 2008


I am coming up to my 41st birthday this week and not drinking has becoe an accepterd part of my life. People do see me and say, 'How's it going with the not drinking?' I always reply 'well' and some seem impressed, others ask if I will ever go back to doing it again. Most people seem to accept it. i am going away for a weekend with a friend walking in the forest and at those kind of times it would be good to end the day with a grill and a few ice cold beers but the sacrific is small compared to the benefits. Even my posts are getting boring now. This was meant to be a blog on the torture of giving up booze but it hasn't been so bad in the end.

I might just leave it now as something to look at again in the future, like finding an old diary you wrote at school