I'm 40. It's time to give up booze. I don't think I’m an alcoholic but I know that I drink too much when I’m stressed. I have had a drink on every night of every day for as long as I can remember. It got to the point where a bottle of wine wasn't enough in a night and to me it has become something that bothers me. So, as of Sunday 5th august (my first day back from holiday) I have quit the terrible booze. This is a blog of my experience. Booze Away!

Monday, August 20, 2007

To Nice!

i am off to Nice, France tomorrow on a business trip with a couple of guys I don't know very well. One is a customer and the other is a potential customer.

Hope it doesn't come across wierd that I don't drink anything. They seem nice enough blokes.

Will miss the family a lot.

Tried a jog last night after being sick and it was really hard going. If you miss a few days, you can easily lose the motivation but I think it was just the sickness wearing off. All back to normal now though.

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